The wearing of a school uniform at North Balga Primary School is compulsory for all students.
A uniform dress code reinforces each student’s commitment and recognition of themselves as an integral proud member of our school community. It further instils a pride in personal appearance. It also supports in developing pride in representing our school. By wearing one form of clothing (uniform), it ensures equality for all.
Policy Objectives
- To create a sense of collective and individual pride in students and their identification with the school.
- To provide durable and sun-safe clothing that is cost-effective and practical for our school environment.
- To maintain and enhance the positive image of the school in the community.
- With respect to the wearing of jewellery, to ensure that items that compromise the safety of students are excluded.
Policy Guidelines
- Compulsory school uniform refers to a dark green polo, dark green skorts or shorts; zip jacket and track pant that display the North Balga Primary School logo.
- Only North Balga Primary School embroidered zip jacket to be worn in cold weather (no other jumper/jackets to be worn).
- The Dress Code applies during school hours and when students are on school excursions.
- Students will be required to wear a hat every day during Terms 1 – 4 whilst participating in outdoor activities. Students without hats will be required to play in the undercover areas and will not be permitted to play sport or be involved in outdoor activities at these times.
- Stud earrings and sleepers worn in the ears, plus watches are the only acceptable jewellery.
- Hoop earrings and chains should not be worn as these can be dangerous in certain class and sporting activities.
- Make up and denim may not be worn at school.
- Appropriate shoes are to be worn such as school shoes and sneakers. Thongs are not permitted unless there is a specific reason e.g. swimming.
- Students out of uniform require a note from parents/guardians, explaining the circumstances.
- Notes will go home or a telephone call will be made to parents/guardians whose children are out of uniform without explanation.
- Continued failure to comply with the dress code will result in withdrawal of privileges, or other sanctions as determined by the School Administration.
Uniforms can be purchased from the school uniform shop on Wednesdays between 8:30am – 9:00am. Alternatively orders with correct money can be accepted at the canteen during opening hours on any day.
Thank you for positively supporting this important policy and showing that you and your child wish to be part of the North Balga Primary School community.